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Aujourd'hui le tarif du stationnement temps réel, demain les mobilités - Les transports du futur

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Aujourd'hui le tarif du stationnement temps réel, demain les mobilités

L’ère des tarifs temps réel arrive à grand pas dans la mobilité. Après certains péages urbains qui modulent les tarifs en fonction de la congestion réelle, San Francisco expérimente dans SF park project, le stationnement temps réel. Les places libres sont connues, et l’information communiquée, le tarif est adapté en fonction de la demande. Cette étape constituera une brique supplémentaire indispensable dans un futur management global des mobilités, sachant que ce même principe pourrait (devrait ?) être appliqué au livraison de marchandises.



Circling for parking accounts for approximately 30% of driving in San Francisco. Reducing this traffic by helping drivers find parking benefits everyone. More parking availability makes streets less congested and safer. Meters that accept credit cards reduce frustration and the need for parking citations. With SFpark: Circle Less, Live More.


SFpark works by collecting and distributing real-time information about where parking is available so drivers can quickly find open spaces.


To help achieve the right level of parking availability, SFpark will periodically adjust meter pricing up and down to match demand. Demand-responsive pricing encourages drivers to park in underused areas and garages, reducing demand in overused areas. With SFpark, real-time data and demand-responsive pricing work together to readjust parking patterns in the City so that parking is easier to find. SFpark will be testing its new parking management system at 6,000 of San Francisco’s 25,000 metered spaces and 12,250 spaces in 15 of 20 City-owned parking garages. The pilot phase of SFpark will run for two years starting summer 2010. Federal funding through the Department of Transportation’s Urban Partnership Program pays for 80% of the SFpark project.


Project Benefits

SFpark optimizes the use of existing parking resources to benefit everyone who spends time in San Francisco, including drivers, public transit riders, bicyclists, pedestrians, and business owners. Learn More



SFpark will launch its pilot phase in summer 2010, uniting new hardware and advanced parking management policy elements for the first time. The pilot phase will run for two years, after which the project will be assessed and adjusted as necessary to prepare for its potential expansion across the City. Learn More



How it Works

SFpark is pioneering the world’s most advanced parking management system. It uses sensors, new meters, and real-time parking data to take the guesswork out of parking in the City. These elements work together to make parking easier to find and more convenient. The benefits will cascade to drivers, Muni riders, bicyclists, pedestrians, visitors, merchants, and more.

SFpark sensors, installed in parking spaces and in City-owned garages, track in real-time where parking is and isn’t available. Sensor data is uploaded wirelessly to the SFpark data hub, which will then make that information available to the public via, street signs, and smart phone applications. Real-time information about where parking is available will help drivers find parking with less hassle.

Parking will also frequently cost less. SFpark will adjust meter prices based on demand to encourage drivers to make trips in off-peak hours and to use parking lots and garages. While high-demand spaces will gradually go up in price, other spaces will decrease in cost.

As meter and garage pricing shifts to increase availability, instead of some blocks being full and others empty, the goal is to have, on average, at least one parking space available on every block. Once a space is found, longer time limits and new meters that accept credit and debit cards will make it easier to avoid parking tickets.

Three main technical components comprise the SFpark project—sensors to record parking availability, new meters to make it easier to pay, and a data hub to process and distribute information about where parking is available.


The Sensors

In order to direct drivers towards parking, SFpark needs to know which spaces are available. Wireless sensors can perform this task in a way that was previously impossible, reporting availability space-by-space and minute-by-minute. Learn More


The Meters

Paying for parking will be easier with new SFpark meters. In addition to using coins and SFMTA parking cards, you will be able pay for parking in SFpark pilot areas using credit or debit cards. Learn More


The Data Hub

The SFpark data hub allows real-time information to reach drivers directly. In addition to parking availability maps accessible at, information on parking availability will be dispersed via the 511 system, mobile device applications, text message, posted signs, and through new electronic display signs at high-traffic locations in the City. Learn More


Demand-Responsive Pricing

All parking spaces in SFpark pilot areas will be priced based on their real value as determined by drivers themselves. This is called demand-responsive pricing. SFpark will charge the lowest possible hourly rate to achieve the right level of availability in both garages and at metered spaces. Learn More


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