Frost & Sullivan organisait les 15/16 Juin une conférence sur le sujet. Tous les ingrédients ont été évoqués : changement de comportement des consommateurs, multimodalité, rôle des données, économie de la fonctionnalité, rôle des TIC pour connecter véhicule-infrastructure et énergie, arrivée d'intégrateurs. De nombreuses opportunités décrites mais peu de risques identifiés ...
LONDON - 20 June, 2011 - Innovative mobility concepts, such as car sharing schemes, have the potential to revolutionise the future of urban transport, yet they will only complement public and other transport solutions. Concepts integrating many different modes of transportation will have to be developed.
As Frost & Sullivan's two-day interactive workshop 'Urban Mobility 3.0' drew to an end yesterday evening, it became clear that there is nothing like 'the one' solution' for the future of transport in tomorrow's mega-cities. Instead it became explicit, that all stakeholders, including the government, the public sector as well as different industries, will have to work on concepts which will complement and not replace each other.
The platform for new mobility concepts will be the cities and their dwellers, as locations with a high population density require the most creative transport solutions. "Our economies depend upon people and goods moving about effectively and efficiently," stated Nick Ford from Frost & Sullivan in his opening speech.