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Les transports du futur: Pay as You Move

25 posts categorized "Pay as You Move"


Se déplacez moins pour travailler plus ?

Traffic congestion does not just add stress to our already-stressful lives; it impedes economic development while increasing air pollution.


The question now is: what is to be done?


More fuel efficient cars, more public transportation, more ridesharing, more telecommuting are all good steps – but hardly enough. And it is clear that the traditional remedies for road congestion – adding a lane or building a new road – have proven to be just a temporary fix before congestion returns. Technology can help. For the first time in history, digital and physical infrastructures are converging. As a result, we are now able to understand large, complex systems that previously resisted investigation – systems as diverse as waterways, oilfields, and transportation networks. Transportation officials are now able to collect real time data on traffic conditions and instantaneously analyze that data and deploy strategies that minimize delays and congestion (see also here). Thanks to the proliferation of data-gathering devices on our roads and recent advances in business analytics – large volumes of data can be quickly synthesized and actionable insights extracted that allow for active management of our transportation networks to keep people moving more efficiently.


“About a quarter of the respondents said that gas prices would have to rise by 20-30% for them to seriously consider other forms of transportation.”


If their commuting time would be significantly reduced, 53% said they would spend more time with friends or family, 44% would devote themselves to more recreation, and 42% would spend more time exercising. And 16% said they would work more (multiple answers were allowed).” See also graph below...


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Seoul "U smart Way"

[les échos 06/07/10] L'autoroute sera souterraine et proposera une gestion automatique du trafic à une vitesse prévue de 30 kilomètres-heure. Le « U-Smart Way », c'est le projet fou de Séoul, celui qui, moyennant un investissement de 11.200 milliards de wons (7,51 milliards d'euros), entièrement financé par le privé, doit contribuer à faire basculer la cité dans une nouvelle ère. Objectif : réguler la circulation des véhicules tout en garantissant de relier deux points de la capitale coréenne en moins de trente minutes. Une fois descendu sur l'axe routier, le véhicule sera autoguidé et donc pris en charge. Pas moins de 700 kilomètres de voies sur six axes vont être creusés pour le projet. La mise en service est prévue en 2017 pour la première tranche, puis en 2020 pour l'ensemble du réseau.

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Synthèse mondiale des péages urbains : challenges et opportunités

This report, from the international council on clean transportation, summarizes several actual and potential congestion-charging programs aimed in reducing motor-vehicle traffic: in-place systems in London, Singapore, and Stockholm; a 1980s pilot program and subsequent follow-on studies in Hong Kong; and a 2007 ICCT-sponsored study of Santa Clara County, California. The study notes many of the environmental and fiscal benefits such programs can produce, from a 15%–20% decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and reduction in fine particulates and other pollutants to generating revenues to support development of transit and other transportation system options. The range of technologies available to implement congestion-pricing systems is considerable and diverse. But public acceptance remains a hurdle, requiring effective leadership and communication.

Potential challenges and benefits are clearly described. Congestion charging need to be considered as a tool like parking price to increase constraint on single person in a car. Theses tools will progressivly become linked to create Pay As You Move system. But in the same time, authority need to propose alternative choice: several person in a car, public transport, and need to identify clearly who will still be simultanously car-dependant with low revenus without alternative.

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Singapour préfigure l'avenir des mobilités urbaines

Autorité unique pour tous les transports terrestres, gestion des parking, des routes, des tarifs des péages, Singapour propose une vision des mobilités possibles en milieu urbain dense. La dernière application sur smart phone centralise les principales informations temps réel, reste à rajouter du covoiturage dynamique, l'accès aux modes actifs ...

Rappelons que Singapour est également équipé d'un péage avec un tarif dynamique dont les montants sont également visible en temps réel, ici et (ERP) ou google map. Les parking sont également accessibles pour connaitre les disponibilités, ici.

Les technologies sont disponibles, leurs utilisations dans nos villes nécessitent des innovations pour permettre la mise en oeuvre d'une autorité unique. Mais les bénéfices seront à la hauteur ... Un colloque sur ce sujet à Nantes.


Vous commencez à travailler à 8h30 ? cela vous coutera plus cher

Joseph Sussman, MIT professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering discusses the use of congestion pricing as a way to change people’s driving behaviors.  With congestion pricing, certain trips will cost more than other types of trips.  Sussman explains that there will be a lesser need of building more infrastructures that are built for peak hour capacity by enticing people to drive outside the peak hours.  Hear more from Sussman.

More information (here). Tomorrow, we will "Pay As We Move" ?

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